Supression by Gas


This type of systems extinguish fire by reducing oxygen in the environment to be protected, displacing according to risk different porcentuals of air on the environment in question.

CO2 is an odorless, colorless, anticorrosive, electrically non-conductive, and low-cost gas since it is easy to obtain.

CO2 systems are used generally in people-free areas, this is because of the functioning principle that these systems use (oxygen reduction in the environment) in case of a discharge; a high risk of suffocation or asphyxia exists.

If these systems are used, they must be installed with detection systems with blocking discharge devices that allows the system to coexist with people.

According to the volume that has to be protected, high or low pressure systems will be used. Local systems application can also be used.

The CO2 can extinguish fire in few seconds, with a minimum material damage. Thanks to its quick gasification it can penetrate quickly through the smallest spaces, extinguishing the non-visible combustion.

CO2 is widely used in high voltage electrical risks, with no danger or damages thanks to its high isolation power.